Picha; Hisani
By Lawrence Sangit,
The lives of small-scale women farmers in Loglogo Ward, Laisamis Constituency are getting better after more than 500 farmers adopted new methods of poultry farming and plant cultivation technology.
Following this success, the farmers are now planning to organize an agricultural exhibition in October to push more people to participate in agriculture.
The group, which includes widows and women who are going through difficult economic conditions. This initiative has been seen as a way to lift the community in this area from the depths of poverty by teaching them different methods of farming and business.
According to Christine Gumatho, chairperson of the MATENDO CBO farmers’ group, they continue to train farmers how to use modern technology in order to increase profits.
She explained that they are currently able to get more than 300 chicks every 21 days after getting an incubator. Through this the chicken production is increasing and that is the first step.
“In the second stage, the preservation of chickens through this new technology reduces the challenge of the spread of chicken diseases hence improve chickens quality.” said Gumatho.
For the farmers led by Rosemary Dokhle and Mary Nasibo say that through participating in agriculture, they continue to grow economically hence they are able to cater for their needs such as paying their children’s school fees.
In addition, they have called on women who do not have the means to earn a living to participate in agriculture so that they can make a living as well as support their families.
“I am grateful that I am getting proper training about farming and chicken rearing this has made us to arise as women who we are always marginalized.” said Nazi.
“I see a lot of benefits; the mothers are very excited. I encourage other women to join the different groups that will empower them.” said Random.